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"Damnit Tia, if I have to fix that mess one more time I'll come over there and rip your yank head off your neck. For god sakes, I shoulda told you before damnit, NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER use that god awful page-builder on geocities when you have HTML in the document."
:scowls, and moves over to the wall flashing rainbow colours, before pushing it, as it swivels it changes into a blackboard. She writes these things as she speaks... or growls:
:Points to the blackboard, making bloody well sure Tia is paying attention, using a sardonic, extremely degrading baby-talk:
"THIS my dear friend, is called TARGETTING. Memorise it, because then, you won't have to use Page Builder to fix my obviously idiotic links."
:Scowls, indicating the 'target="main"' sequence:
"this opens the page that you are linking to in the main page section. You may replace "main" with "new" and a new window will pop up."
:Scowls again, drops everything in her hands and heads diligently for the exit:
"And damnit if you can't figure out how to use it then come over here and i'll do it for you, instead of having to deleat half of the stinking HTML and doing it all again."
:Gives the comotose bodies of all the players hard glares, before grunting loudly:
"I'm going to bed."
:Knocks Phred over on her extremely fast exit, looking terrifyingly shitty, and not to be woken early THIS morning:
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