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Date Posted: 13:01:03 08/02/05 Tue
Author: crowdserver1
Subject: Re: crowdserverl strikes again in London
In reply to: Marij 's message, "Re: crowdserverl strikes again in London" on 12:39:28 08/02/05 Tue

How about a Peter& Mike sample
Peter & Mike don't talk about terrorism on an amateur level under The Neverbeendead like the ones who tell on tv what it is whilst the people's mind usually stops right there

-Mike,you're from a big country but i'm from a bigger country.
And i've got people working for me undercover in your country because i pay them more, being from a bigger country.
And those people look like people from your country because they are.
Now,if you do not want them to kidnap you and give you maximum amount of torture whilst keeping you alive to the maximum you will have to do the following for me.
I've got some strategic targets for you to shoot in my country.Since i believe that people like you do not like people like me from a bigger country because of the way they run things, i believe you'll find it a bit satisfying to hear that you will at least get a chance to die quick whilst knocking out a few important targets of my country that will give me a reason to attack your own country.Not that we are going to nuke it or anything.Just sending troops like in Vietnam so that it will become a mess again and your people will have not lost completely while i will have succeeded in making my money from the sale of weapons for my war etcetera again.My war that you will justify for me.
-But what if i choose to become your terrorist and end myself quick before i hit your targets?
-For that we'll be giving you some of our very small high-tech gear.You'll be wearing very small cameras
on important places on your body plus sensors so that my team can track you precisely everywhere.And you will not even be allowed to run.The split second you decide to do that some implants will automatically activate big pain.Big enough and long enough to stop your action and to keep yourself from disobeying a next time.And my undercover people will always be around to set you further on my plan.
-You've seen too much movies man.Thanks for the conversation though.Visit me again sometime when you've got another funny storie to tell.

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