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Subject: Oh golly, these are positively awful, even for THIS place, LOL!!!

Lawinda Lawderly Smythe
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Date Posted: Thursday, April 25 2002, 9:20am

"I remember one such evening in 1932. Everyone had to come dressed as a paradox. Bertrand Russell came as a group of groups which is not contained within that group."
Source: Stephen Fry, Trefusis and Rosina. Originally Radio 4 and printed later in Paperweight

Scene: Auditions for Tarzan, a one legged actor looks disappointed. The casting director says consolingly:
"Look its not that I've got anything against your leg, the trouble is neither do you."
Source: Peter Cook and Dudley Moore

Someone says "It's irrelevant"
Wit replies "Is that an African or Indian irrelevant?"
Source: Unfortunately my brother who's gags are 99% of the time God awful.

A horse walks into a bar
The barman says "Why the long face?"

A bear walks into a bar and says: "I'll have a pint of lager and??????????????????????????????.a packet of peanuts."
The barman says "why the big paws/pause*"
Source: unkown, part of a series of animals entering pubic houses and puns on their physical features.

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