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Subject: Mouse jokes

Anthony P. Roedent
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Date Posted: Friday, April 26 2002, 6:08pm

What do mice do when they're at home ?
'Here Kitty, kitty, kitty'!

What does a twelve pound mouse say to a cat?
A mouse organ!

What kind of musical instrument do mice play?
Well, they'd look silly with long hair!

Why do mice have long tails?
Mickey Moose!

Who has large antlers, a high voice and wears white gloves?
Use mouse to mouse resuscitation!

How do you save a drowning mouse?

Where do hamsters come from?
What's New Pussycat!

What's a mouse's least favorite record?
Because they squeak!

Why do mice need oiling?
Mice cubes!

What do you get if cross a mouse with a packet of washing up powder?

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Subject Author Date
Try again!\/ickiFriday, April 26 2002, 6:17pm
This is truly a mish-mice (or is it a mice-mash)!H.L.Friday, April 26 2002, 6:40pm
What do cats have for a breakfast? Mice CrispiesGeorgeFriday, April 26 2002, 11:57pm

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