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Subject: Happy holidays to all! (a serious message actually)

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Date Posted: Friday, May 24 2002, 5:54pm

Am I allowed to wish everyone here Happy Holidays? Well at least I'll try.
I apologize for my previous messages in which I admittedly stepped out of line. I also apologize to The Unknown Host for my behavior. I have retired my own message board for good and hope that anyone who has ever posted there will come here.
The Unknown host is doing an excellent job. Please continue to support this board. If it provides even one or two laughs a day then it is worthwhile.
As for me I am for now retiring from webboard hosting. I am frankly a computer dummy and I found the elementary requirements of setting up a message board to be very difficult. I did learn a few things but very slowly and then I forgot them. I also apparently alienated people by being too strict. But it was an honest effort, I have no regrets about trying, but I'll go on to other things.
For one thing bowling. My average has leaped from 155 to 165 in the past two months so I've accomplished SOMETHING. LOL Maybe I'll celebrate by posting some bowling jokes!!!
Well Happy Holidays to everyone reading this. And also, please, try to remember what this particular holiday really represents.

Antonio "Tojo" Jones (tojo159@yahoo.com)

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