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Date Posted: 13:00:47 08/27/03 Wed
Author: Dana

Hi everybody. Please pray that God will open doors for me and my family that no man can close. That he will make a way where their seems to be no way. For Stringth as I walk through this valley of Financial Failure, and adversity. That he will trully provide a Finicial Breakthrough.TODAY..
The last three months have been so devistating finicially and spiritually that I feel broken. I am trying to hold on to the faith that I know is inside of me, but it is getting so hard.
Even to pray takes much more effort then Ever before.
The last three Job oppertunities the I have deligently persued have been
unsuccessful. Now we are unable to pay our lot rent and may loose our home, We are so far behind in our utilities that we may never catch up and stand to loose our vehicals.
We have two big boys and thay are starting school and we were unable to buy them close let alone afford their lunches.
My wife is faithfully working but makes just enough that we do not quilify for any kind of local or state benifits.
If God was ever going to send a miracle now is the time.
It is so easy for some well meaning friends to say "keep the Faith" or "well God most have somthing even greater for you". their not the ones taking pennys froom their kids piggy bank to buy gas to go to another interview. I know that God is an awsome God and I truly love to serve Him and have been faithfull to God , my church and family.
I can honestly say that I am confused and do not understand why we are going through this. What I do Know is the we need a Finacial miracle soon. Please help me pray to god that he will send a finacial miracle.. Pray for my wife and children becouse they do not under stand
what we are going through.......
In Christ Jesus...

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