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Date Posted: 06:06:41 10/01/04 Fri
Author: David Li
Subject: please pray for my family members to accept Jesus

Thank God for that I can submit my prayer request here, and thank you for your prayer, may God bless you.
Firstly, please pray for that my mother was cheated by Mr. Kwong, Mr Ho, Hin Chai and Anna last year, she went to a company and worked as an Office assistant, but they cheated my mother, and compelled my mother to give her money out to them(they cheated my mother that the money was used for investment, and the investment was failured), and went away, thank God for that the policemen arrested Mr. Kwong now, but the Mr. Ho , Hin Chai and Anna were still not arrested, please pray for that God can help the policemen in the investigation, and find the evidence to accuse the Mr. Kwong and his helper in the judiciary court, thank God for that the policemen sent us several letters till now about that the investigation is in the progressing, please pray for that God can move their heart, Mr. Kwong , Mr. Ho, Hin Chai and Anna will regret about that they cheated my mother, and they can have pity on my mother , and return the money back to my mother , thank you.
Secondly, please pray for that my brother was hurt his leg in the working place, please pray for that my brother can be rehabilitated soon, and he can be rehabilitated completely, and please pray for that he can be maintained in his job, please pray for that God can cure his leg, and protect his job, and give him good health, his boss will provide the sick leave fees for him till he totally restored his health, thank you.
Thirdly, please pray for that my mother hurt her knee , please pray for that my mother can be rehabilitated soon, and she can be rehabilitated completely, and please pray for that God can cure her knee, and protect her job, and give her good health , and protect her job, thank you.
Fourthly, (1) Please pray for that I can improve my working efficiency, and please pray for and thank God for that God can protect my family members and I will not to be hurt by my workmates and supervisors in order that I can have psychological health during working and I will have a stable job after my contract due, and pray for and thank God for that I will not be suffered in the marital problems in my job, please pray for that I can further my contract, please pray for that God can help me to make my effort in keeping my job, please pray for that God can protect my job - which is as a Contract Office Support Assistant, I need this job very much, please pray for that God can have mercy upon me, and help me to keep the job after the end of my contract and further my contract for one more year, and please pray for and thank God for that I can have talent to do a job if I will not further the contract later, because I want to earn living for my family members. (2)Please pray for that I can restore my psychological health, because I am always blame myself about the sin I committed when I was young, I am afraid that God will punish me about the sin I committed when I was young, please pray for that I can have biblical mind to know will God punish me one day or not, so that I can live out good witnesses and have peace to face the punishment from God one day. (3)Please pray for and thank God for that I will not be suffered in the marital problems, so that I can seek the kingdom and the righteousness of God first, and have a spiritual growth up, and I will not regret about the decision I made in this marriage this life, that I will only choose the Christian girlfriend that was arranged by God, please pray for that if God had not prepare a Christian girlfriend for me, help me to keep alone whole life, so that I will not be hurt again in order that I can restore my psychological health and have a spiritual growth up. (4)Please pray for that the son of my brother will not hurt himself, my brother and my sister will not be suffered in the marital problems , my sister can have good psychological health, and we can maintain a good relationship, we will not be hurt by the husband of my sister and the wife of my brother, so that my mother and I can help my sister and my brother to accept the Jesus Christ. (5)Please pray for that my mother and I can firmly believe in the bible ,can have assurance of the salvation, and will not suffer a loss in the Lord's Judgement Day, thank God for that I can keep on use mind or mouth to pray in the office , please pray for that I can not only keep on use mouth to pray in the office but also in the whole life time, God can keep my health when I pray too vigorous, include the health of my throat, and please pray for that God can help me to fasting twice a week or more during lunch hour, please pray for that my stomach can maintain health if I fast for too long times, and I can pray at mid-night , and I will go to the church where my mother go to in the will of God and be baptised there, please pray for that I can maintain a good psychological and body health, and can keep on pray with mouth or mind in the church this life. (6)Please pray for that my family members and I can have place to live and food to eat, please pray for that we can apply for compassionate rehousing in God's will, may God have mercy upon my family members. (7)Please pray for that my mother and brother can maintain in their jobs, they can restore their health, and please pray for that God can keep the health of my breast, so that my family members and I can have good healthes. (8)Please pray for that my brother will not go on drinking the wine and gambling. (9)Please pray for that God can purified me, and please pray for that I will not be hurt by my colleagues, classmates and friends include Christian colleagues, so that they can be helpful for me to live out a good witness before my family members, and my grandmother, my father, my sister, my brother can all accept the Jesus Christ, and my mother and I can have a spiritual growth up and can strenghthen our faith.
And I am sorry for any inconvinience I made to submit my prayer request here.

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