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Subject: Fashion of the current era.(WS3535)

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Date Posted: 03:35:53 05/29/08 Thu
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Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for about 1-3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily except the changes.


What is Fashion -Clothing can be decorated or designed with all types of images and colors

Clothing - There is Children's Clothes, Teen Clothes and adult Cloths.

Just for Boys - Lots of boys these days like to wear sport clothing , and accessories like skateboarding shoes, and board shorts.

Just for Girls - Girls want to wear what's only in style. Bellbottoms, capri pants,
3 and 1-4 shirts

Fashion Through the Ages - Fashion Is popular all over the world. Fashion around the
world is all different.

Pakistani Clothes- Our portfolio for Pakistani clothes includes wide collection of dresses.

Fashion Designers- Have you ever heard of the name Calvin Klein? visit: http://lagayraho.net/Fashion.htm

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