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|:Herd Positions:|


Lead Mare: |:Alu:|
Lead Stallion: |:Thowra:|

Lead Filly: |:None:|
Lead Colt: |:None:|

|:Family Members:|

|:Lengend's Angel(alu's mother):|

|:Herd Positions:|

Backup Mare: |:To Be Choosen:|
Backup Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Backup Foal: |None:|

Alpha Mare: |:Blazing Thunder:|
Alpha Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Alpha Foal: |:None:|

Beta Mare: |:Dawnspirit:|
Beta Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Beta Foal: |:None:|

Delta Mare: |:To Be Choosen:|
Delta Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Delta Foal:|:None:|

Gamma Mare: |:To Be Choosen:|
Gamma Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Gamma Foal: |:None:|

Epsilion Mare: |:To Be Choosen:|
Epsilion Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Epsilion Foal: |:None:|

Sigma Mare: |:To Be Choosen:|
Sigma Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Sigma Foal: |:None:|

Omega Mare: |:To Be Choosen:|
Omega Stallion: |:To Be Choosen:|
Omega Foal: |:None:|

|:Subsecuent Mares:|


|:Subsecuent Stallions:|



|:Subscuent Fillies:|



|:Subscuent Colts:|





|Rules for Positions:|

1.|:if you want a position please post here which one and what your exact name is.:|

2.|:positions are for mates with foals. dont worry if you dont have a mate and want a position just post and i will put you up there. the other 2 positions will be saved for your mate and foal.:|

3.|:More than one foal per positionis fine. say if you have 2 or three children and want them up there i will do that. but once the foals turn 3 please either tell me or foals tell me so i can take you down from the foals and give you a new position as adult or if none are free put you under subscuent until one is free.:|

4.|:if you are unactive for 3 days or more with out excuse of a vacation or computer problems or somthing you will be taken down from the herd positions and put under subscuent or if you are already under subscuent you will be taken off all together and put on the "where are you list?" on the absent page.:|

|:i think that is it for now, except if you have just had a foal post here and tell me the foals name, dam and sires name, and weather it is filly or colt so i can post them. same goes for mates. just post your names.:|



|:These are the symbols that i somtimes have to post besid names of people who are absent, have wrnnings, etc. These are what the symbols mean:|

|:&:|='An Excused Absence'
|:x:|='Not Active Enough'
|:!:|='Warrning! get active or have your name deleted from Herd positions & ne other list!

If there are no symbols beside your name then you are perfectly safe.

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