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...The Den...
-*-You walk around a thickly wooded forest with ease, when you come upon a very large den. Then, hearing footsteps behind you, you swing around. A very dominant black wolf is before you. What are you doing here? The male eyes you with a hard look, snarls, and enters the den. It doesn't welcome anyone, however. You don't dare enter or should be angry, and you wouldn't want to see him angry... Waiting around for a few minutes, you think. Friend, or foe? Fate, or happiness? Twilight Missionary,(The wolf) Is only the beholder of Fate and Foe... Finally you decide to leave him alone, for he is very aggressive-*-
-*-He comes out of his den a bit later, relieved to see you were gone. He runs off into the nearby meadow, where he catces a large White Tail Deer Buck. He eats by himself, his eyes holding a sadness that would never go away, no matter how hard it tried. With a final sigh, he gives up on eating and drags it deep into the woods, then returns and lays down next to the stream running next to his den.-*-
^^Twilight Missionary^^

Subject Author Date
Breeze Systems PSRemote 2 11kaylfor17:46:16 01/25/14 Sat
Runs inGunner15:53:31 04/12/02 Fri
~*~She has come~*~Wolfin17:21:12 04/12/02 Fri
^Loud howl^Angry Sensations13:28:43 04/11/02 Thu
-*- The Mission is Now-*--*-Twilight Missionary-*-12:51:21 04/11/02 Thu

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