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Jackie no longer directs for Tropical Dream Stars. -- No more, 14:51:02 04/14/02 Sun
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Jackie has ALWAYS been nice to my daughter. -- No Name, 15:09:13 04/14/02 Sun
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She has problems along in -- I agree!, 17:10:43 04/14/02 Sun
her best friend who was/is the other director of TDS. Both have some serious issues with money and paying people what they're owed. Both are great at back stabbing too. Beware of both!
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Look Out! -- Read This!, 18:57:00 04/14/02 Sun
Well, even if she is no longer directing for them, she is still using their name. She directed a pageant in Richmond, Virginia, in February using the TDS name. I've never spoken with Charlene, the friend she directs with; but Jackie is very wishy-washy! She changes what she says every time you speak with her. And forget about ever getting the money you "supposedly" win! You'll never see it! Stay as far away from her as you can!
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Re: Look Out! -- Chester Friends, 09:31:49 04/22/02 Mon
All of you are crazy and must not know either of these women!! My daughter is one of their queens with TDS and if I ever thought that they were bad people I would have never have put my child in any of their events. If you really took a monment to know Jackie or Charlene you would know that neither you bash your child esp. on the weight and size. Maybe you all had a bad experience by not winning of jealous of their own children but if all you can come up with is false accuzations of money not seen than you really need to get a life and stop trying to ruin others. Those stronger than you will always come out on top and right now all of you who are lying and stabbing are at the very bottom!!!!
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Re: Look Out! -- Chester Friends, 09:33:38 04/22/02 Mon
All of you are crazy and must not know either of these women!! My daughter is one of their queens with TDS and if I ever thought that they were bad people I would have never have put my child in any of their events. If you really took a monment to know Jackie or Charlene you would know that neither would bash your child esp. on the weight and size. Maybe you all had a bad experience by not winning or jealous of their own children but if all you can come up with is false accuzations of money not seen than you really need to get a life and stop trying to ruin others. Those stronger than you will always come out on top and right now all of you who are lying and stabbing are at the very bottom!!!!
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