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Subject: Re: kill....

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Date Posted: 13:29:08 01/04/03 Sat
In reply to: dayana 's message, "kill...." on 11:18:29 01/04/03 Sat

summary of that total hippie propaganda movie: canada doesn't have gun problems. murder with guns in america is due to the republican party and the media making everyone scared. In canada there isn't any problem because they're more liberal. and the NRA sucks (this was the only point that i really agreed with, and it was already blatantly obvious). It was a lot of moving speaches, emotional music, and demonizing of those who oppose his viewpoints.
I forgot the guy's name who made the movie, but he is a god of liberal propaganda. I frequently agree with his viewpoints but he brings shame to my opinions by using the world's most twisted and evil weapon, propaganda, to enforce his opinions. This guy does nothing but make the republicans hate the democrats more, the democrats more democrat-y, and undecideds like myself question our ideas while seeing the bastardly manipulative tactics he uses. I thoroughly hate this man.
sorry dana but i had to say it

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Re: kill....prarie dog10:50:48 01/05/03 Sun

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