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This is the boarders stable, where boarders post their Genral Care of their horses. PLEASE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BOARD POST ON THE "Other" BOARD NOT HERE! (OK that's a new rule so it doesn't allpy to the first three posts.) All boarders have access to the arenas, trails and gallops at Dusky Ridge, if you would like to board, look at the packages below and post on the other board for more information. PACKAGES:

Package 1: Your horse is kept in a private or shared (which ever you prefer) 5 acre paddock. This paddock has shelter (though it is advisable you still rug up your horse!) and you have acsess to the feed. We supervise 24hrs. But you will have to come and feed it groom it ect. $50 a month.

Package 2: You have a stall and acsess to a 10 acre paddock that is shared with seven other horses as well as the feed. You muck out, turn out and look after your horse yourself, but we are always supervising when your not there in case something happens. $120 a month.

Package 3: Your horse has a stall and given your instructions we feed it and groom it every day as well as turn it out for six hours every day except for two days a week, one on which we will lunge it for it's allocated time (given by you) and the other in which we will take it on a hack. Just tell us when your coming to ride and we'll bring it in for you! $200 a month.

So thats the packages. You can also suggest your own paggage to me and I will put a price on it for you! If you would like to board, jus leave me a msg on other and I will just get some information off you and then put you up on the list!
Stall No.HorseOwner
Stall 1.The Full MontyCrystal
Stall 2.Glistening GalCrystal
Stall. 3First KissCrystal
Stall 4.Spring ShowersCrystal
Stall 5.Cherry PieCrystal
Stall 6.Up And At 'EmCrystal
Stall 7.Look Out BelowSami
Stall 8.Ready To RockSami
Stall 9.Go For BlueKimmy
Stall 10.Second NatureKimmy
Stall 11.SupermanKimmy
Stall 12.Jazzy MoverKimmy
Stall 13.Up The PlateKimmy
Stall 14.In The SpotlightKimmy
Stall 15.PrancerMeghan
Stall 16.First PickedMeghan
Stall 17.Charlie's AngelMeghan
Stall 18.Lady In RedMeghan
Stall 19.Over The RainbowMeghan
Stall 20.Golden SunriseMeghan

Dusky Ridge Stables

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