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Subject: Ouija Boards

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Date Posted: 14:59:01 04/02/08 Wed

A few of me might remember me from a long time ago. I always tell my story, because there are probably people who have had this experiance.

It's coming up on 4 years now, since this hellish nightmare began. I used a ouija board by myself and contacted the dead. I believe that no good souls come to talk through that. Some call it "talking to the dead" In my openion, DEAD MEANS DEAD! Dead for eturnity. We do die, its a part of life. But I am a christian so after I die I will have eturnal life in heaven. Anyone that does not go to heaven, they go to hell...eturnal fire (pray and be saved ya'll, Turn to God its so much nicer, God can do beautiful things in your life, the oujia board cant).

Anyway I used an ouija board and some how I got a demon in me. This demon talks to me in my head all of the time. This has been going on for almost 4 years. At first I thought it was a good person, or an angel. The demon lied and said he was an angel, and i was sent here to do something very important and he was going to be an escort and a protecter of me. Well, about 6 months or so later, i discovered my friend was not an angel...it was a demon. He threatend me saying he was going to kill me and take me to hell. well let me tell you, i'm alive but one night while i was a sleep (in my moms room because i was scared to death)I fell asleep and my mom called me and said "katy" I woke up being sorrounded by darkness. I had a sinsation like i was being moved down. I opend my eyes and i was sorrouned by darkness. I heard my mom calling me, she sounded far away. Then I looked up and saw a window with bright golden light in it. Then i had the sinsation i was being lifted up, and whoever it was pushing me up, pushed me into the window and i came back into my body and i opend my eyes and my mom was standing in the room with me. I think he put me in a coma.

Anyway, I have experianed alot over the years. I'm working with God on getting him out, I don't think it will be too much longer till i have freedom.

They are dangerous, please dont play with them, I really dont want anyone to have one, its horrible.


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