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Date Posted: 05:59:17 09/10/02 Tue
Author: Jill
Subject: Re: School
In reply to: Carolyn Bennett 's message, "Re: School" on 09:40:27 09/09/02 Mon

I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you Carolyn! If you pass along your phone number, I'll give you a call and see if there's something that can be done. The school ought to be more aware of EDS and your sons' situation - doctors notes from other provinces should not stand in the way of getting supports in place in the classroom in your current location.

I don't know when your are moving to Nova Scotia but please, if you need anything at all, just call and I'll get information into your hands.

>We are leaving. My sons and I are returning to Nova
>Scotia to finish out the school year. There is no
>support here for us. We can't get to see any doctor
>before the new year and only got a referral from our
>doctor in NS. We still have no general care set up
>here. In the meantime the school won't listen or work
>with us. We needed to plan better before our move.
>We didn't know it was this bad here. We've been in NS
>for 12 years and were comfortable and well known
>there, so we are going back. It has all been arranged
>and we leave this weekend.
>Good luck to all and thank you to those who offered
>help. We will be back in the summer but hopefully my
>husband will be posted back to NS by then, he's
>applied for compassionate transfer.
>>From the sounds of it you have made the journey to
>>Winnipeg and are now trying to establish yourself in
>>the medical community and the school system. I hope
>>your move went as smoothly as possible. I am sorry to
>>hear that you are having difficulties with the school.
>> I will be returning back in Winnipeg late Tuesday
>>night (09/10) and would love it if you could email me
>>privately and give me a little more background
>>knowledge of you so I can try and be of some better
>>help to you.

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