Christie Huckleberry
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Date Posted: 20:05:34 06/27/10 Sun
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I just thought I'd clarify my feelings regarding gay adoption from a birthparent one time I thought it was ok, hence, an earlier post. However, since then, I feel it is very important to say that as a Catholic, I could never support gay marriage. Because of this, it may be contraindicated at best to support gay adoption as well.....I have tried a multitude of ways to "erase" my earlier post b/c in retrospect, it really could do more harm then far as the forum goes for ease of use, it stinks. That all being said, no birthparent Wants to have their child raised by anyone other then themself. It requires a great deal of sacrifice to put the needs of the child above their own. If some girl thinks a gay couple is better suited then a heterosexual couple, there is private adoptions available. But legally, I think it's a bad idea.
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