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Date Posted: 22:48:01 09/18/02 Wed
Author: Ben
Subject: October 19th is almost here! One month to the day...

Hey Friends and Family.

Em and I are excited to see you in one month. We are busy planning and wanted to alert you to a few things.

October can be hot and it can be cold - BE PREPARED & BRING SOME WARM CLOTHS TO THE WEDDING.

Our wedding day kayaking trip is all planned! There are two shifts - 8:00 AM Early Bird and 10:00 AM - 2nd Shift. Please email your interest for kayaking and your trip preference (Early or Later).

I am still working on the horseback riding and will have more details later. In the mean time - how many of you are interested? Please email.

Wedding day HOOP game is all set up! GAME ON! The game will take place at 12:00 at Pescadero High School (10 minutes from Costanoa).

Lastly, if you want to car pool from one of the airports - post a message and we will see what we can do! There are a number of 1/2 empty cars going down on Thursday and Friday.

Other than that - everything is in place - the only thing we need is your presence.

See you soon.

Em and Ben (510-848-0099).

PS If you are in California on Thursday or Friday - we could use a hand setting up, decorating, etc - down at the wedding site. Please email if you are interested - it is a great opportunity to spend some time, reconnect with friends and family (ours), make new friends, and most importantly - have some fun!!!

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