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Subject: Re: Ghost likey questionare, and said, wheres the next.... | |
Author: NieMMY |
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Date Posted: 15:16:46 09/11/02 Wed In reply to: Whosaskingmore 's message, "Re: Ghost likey questionare, and said, wheres the next...." on 19:07:43 09/10/02 Tue 1. What is the wind speed velocty of an unladen sparrow? Hmmm That depends on wiether I lob them with a tennis racket or just throw them up against a brick wall! 2. What does NieMMY mean exactly? Websters dictionary Defines NieMMY or the State of being NieMMY as "a person who is god like in stature and scope!"But in my case its just a hybrid between the name Niem & Immy nick for Imogen:p 3. When am I going to get some mail from you people? Writing seems so much of an effort!And in anycase we talk to you everyday!its funny though I could chat and send messages to you all day,but when it comes to sit down and write a email or letter I simply draw a blank! 4. Whats your favorite Ice Cream flavor?real vanilla not vanilla flavoured ice cream or chocolate with maccadamia nuts through it "my gawd its better than sex!" 5. What do you like to lick it from? Imogens or claudia's navel will do just fine! :p 6. Are you thinking sexual thoughts now? AG & WS doing wicked things to each other! :p hehe 7. What, again? same as above! 8. How come I can't sleep? because your not tired 9. Will you sit up all night with me and talk? Yer if I can animate while you talk and I dont have to answer you back at any stage "I am a male! and multitasking is not my thing really!" 10.Ah come on! Please? ok you sold me on the idea! 11.If this was a pajammies party, what would you have on? ten women if I'm lucky :P heheheh 12.Do you kno how valuable you are to the world? Yer they tell me how wonderful I am every time I go and collect a dole check! :p heheheheh You so crazy! But seriously God loves me so much that he gave he's only beggoten son for my benifite thats why he is going to kill me at Armourgeddon:) hehehe 13.Then I'll tell you. Your here because the world would be deminished with out you. Your needed, neccessary, and a chance for perfection. Is that too metaphysical for you all? Who keeps sending WS these hallmark cards "make it stop make it stop now!" :P luv ya punkin :) 14.Ever see that one movie with that one guy with the thing? Yep that movie is one I will long remember "it changed my life!" 15.When's the next full moon? I got soem work to know its a full moon when george bush comes out of his cave to howling for blood! L&H N [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
![]() | whosshe | 15:32:31 09/11/02 Wed |