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Re: Mathew McConaughey -- Cathy Crowder (excited), 12:00:28 07/31/06 Mon
You are the most beutifull man I have ever seen Both inside and out. I love to watch you any movie or interview I am there. The one with you and Oprah was my favriot. I love both you and her. You both have not let money go to your heads you remember where you came from and I think that is the most inportant thing in life. Just wish I could meet you but I would also settle for a signed picture. You could send it to me at Cathy Crowder 5979E. 300S.Oxford,IN47971 Thank you
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Re: Mathew McConaughey -- kiara, 14:42:18 03/22/06 Wed
>>Thank you for giving me a nice christian actor to
>>enjoy. I am not much for actors but you stood out when
>>I heard about how you really have a deep love for God.
>>But I can see Hollywood can taken away from those
>>values, sometimes money has a way of changing us if we
>>forget. Anyways I live in the cold north of Canada so
>>I am a long ways from this place. I got up this
>>mourning to say this is the first time I have ever
>>wrote to a actor and to say I hope you will stay close
>>to what is right. Take Care and God Bless
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