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Subject: Re: German Anti-Fascist Streetpunks 'The Stage Bottles' In Canada In May

Ned Paschene
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Date Posted: 08:45:29 08/13/05 Sat
In reply to: randy 's message, "German Anti-Fascist Streetpunks 'The Stage Bottles' In Canada In May" on 06:49:28 03/09/03 Sun

Hello A Vacationer Friend

We are North American Indians (Original and First Peoples) of Canada that our heritage are still rich, wealth and healthy within beautiful our traditional homeland, we are still celebrate with our culture and tradition all year around with beautiful, colorful and sacred outfits of our dancers, drummers and our traditional people called “Powwow” celebrations, and every Powwow have a booth table for vendors that a unique, distinct, authentic and specializing on our traditional artists, arts and crafts items for souvenirs and also the traditional gourmet food vendors such as “Indian tacos, corn soup, fry bread, buffalo burgers, fresh fish, moose and caribou soup or strew etc;

And also there is North American Indians (Original and First Peoples) historical sites, museums and traditional villages to share and learn our heritage within our culture and traditions from thousands and thousands of years.

Our eco-tourism company “NTSHINAN HERITAGE” seeking the foreign tourists from
Europe (France, Germany and United Kingdom) and from Asia (China, Taiwan and Japan), if your group interested to tour our traditional homeland in CANADA, there is a price package and family package for seven (7) days and six (6) nights tour trip to the CANADA, if you require a further information please contact us as follows;


Ottawa, Ontario CANADA

Tel 709 478 2102, 613 323 7226
Email: ntshinan@nativeweb.net or npaschene@yahoo.ca

Email to a friend this info.

The web site currently still under the construction.

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