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Date Posted: 12:17:54 10/22/05 Sat
Author: V2 / nBo
Subject: Sad but V2

You sometimes get to a point in a relationship where you know the other person so well, and the other person knows you just as well that in a bizarre kind of way you don't know each other at all. I think we have reached that point Gareth. Do you remember when we were young, walking down Manthorpe Road for the first time, to Wyndham Park Nursery? Or the time we locked eyes on my first day at Cliffedale? I bet you do, back then we didn't know each other at all yet we knew each other so well.

Do you remember walking home with Kathryn 'The Octupuss' Mcann and Emma 'Emile Heskey' Huddart? The time you through mud between Kathryns eyes? I fooled you then, I can fool you anytime I want.

What about those long walks after a night out, stumbling past the hospital at 3am talking deep philosophy and x-files storylines? Or the experiences in Amsterdam, arriving there on Sept 11, 2001?

You see my point is this, you asked me 'where are the batteries?' I'll tell you Gareth, you stupid, stupid man, I am the battery, V2 is the is the only person who has been with you through everything you've ever done. Without me you wouldn't be who you today, there would be no Website Entertainment Industry, there would be no Errgentlemen.co.uk and you know it you son of bitch.

'Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay

Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the Battery
Pounding out aggression, turns into obsession
cannot kill the Battery, Cannot kill the family
Battery is found in me'

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