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Date Posted: 13:03:04 10/29/05 Sat
Author: V2 / nBo
Subject: Ixnay on the V2bre

I really cannot argue with anything you have said Steam. It is true that I got Vaporised, you did outwit me and Seb, I do have tendency to blow my own trumpet and yes Steam, you are a great Champion. There are a couple of things you didn't mention however, or things that you just don't comprehend. You have never beaten me, you have had a brief taste of what I can do. And even then, the taste you had was what I wanted you to taste. Believe me Steam, I know a lot more about you than you know about me. You seem so sure about yourself, but we all know how easily you can break. The nBo had a lot more planed than just a mere kidnapping, but we didn't need to do anything else. You are the most fragile, weakest, delicate character I have had the displeasure of encountering. We have already broken your spirit, we have already cracked your mind now I, and only I will shatter your bones.

And you know why I can do that. I am the Icon of, no, I am the only legitimatly trained martial artist on the roster. I can make anybody tap, I can knock out anybody I want. I'm faster than you, I'm stronger than you, I have more experience in this business than you. I know my limits, you have to stretch your resilience and pain threshold everytime you step in the ring. I have more friends in this business than you, I can get what i want, when I want it.

And as for looking past me and offering Gareth the next shot, well that is the biggest mistake you could have ever made.

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