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Date Posted: 11:09:50 12/18/05 Sun
Author: Sin Jin
Subject: I think therefore (skin) I'm damned.

OK, let me get this straight. Not only do you steal and rip off my idea, you can't think of anything new to do with it.

Narrator : Steam and Seb are, lets see, oh at the Kings School Playing Field. The 3rd time this week.

Seb : Have you got any diabolical schemes today?

Steam : Yes, lets drive around in a jeep for a bit.

Seb : Err, we've done that.

Steam : Oh shit, yeah, ok then, lets build an effigy symbolizing everone who went to kings and burn it.

Seb : I hate to tell you this but we've done already too.

Steam : Erm, for fucks sake. Hold on.

Narrator : Steam and Seb return 2 days later having thought of an idea.

Steam : Have you got those shovels?

Seb : No, I've left them in the car.

Narrator : Steam calls Seb an imbecile and trudges back past the cricket nets to fetch the tools.

Seb : Whats the plan again?

Steam : For the last time, we're gonna dig their graves for them.

Seb : Why?

Steam : Because they had a shit rugby team.

Seb : Yeah, but its a match. Noones going to die.

Steam : Shut up. That's not the point. The point is that, is that...

Narrator : Steam asks me to leave. As I walk towards the changing rooms I can still hear Seb questioning Steam about this. 'Why don't we just go to the gym or something?', 'Just fucking dig will you.'

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