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Date Posted: 11:53:29 01/02/06 Mon
Author: Sin Jin
Subject: The Spy who Sin Jinned Me

I guess the festivities are officially over. I can't say this Xmas matched up to the magical Xmas of '89 (a Gameboy and a Scalextrics) but all's well that end's ok. Steam's abscence/avoidance doesn't surprise me. It happened last time if you remember, I don't know, I can't think of anything else that I've not said, but I guess it speaks for itself.

I do have one slight problem though. My tag-team partner. Gareth I am calling you out, you know we were indifferent towards each other when we met on the 25th. I understand that we may have grown apart, I've stayed honest and true to my roots, I am Grantham born, Grantham bred, and when I die I'll be Grantham dead. You've tried to fly the nest to put peoples coats away and live in your 'little creative hub'. May I ask what excactly you've created? Errgentlemen.co.uk. erm, Errgentlemen.co.uk erm, anything else? Hey, don't get me wrong I appreciated the DVD, I can't say it had me howling but I am truly grateful for the sentiment.

But thats all bye the bye. My question to you is this. Can I trust you Gareth? Because if I can't, you really don't want me to make sure that I can. I know your relationship with Steam, I know he was your little pet project, but now you've lost control what will you do to get it back? I'll shoot from the hip here, you've become arrogant Gareth, you've become the people that you rebelled against, you've had your head stuck up your ass for so long that I've forgotten what you look like. However if we can go one last time, become the force we once were during Friday periods 3-4, all will be as it should be. You're fucking nicked me old beauty!!!!

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