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Date Posted: 11:42:23 04/07/06 Fri
Author: Gareth's Oldest Friend
Subject: Real Shoot

I would love to say I am truly sorry for the end of this website, but alas I am not. I appreciate the effort you must have put in to keep it running for so long, the not so constant updates, the matches, the ideas for angles etc but I can't help wondering who it was all for? You say it's all about the fans but how many people actually read this website. The same maybe 10-20 people over and over. I know when I posted regularly I was on here about 5 times a day, it could explain the spike in viewers before a big event but who am i to say? I have to be frank, and when I say frank, I mean devastating (thank you simpsons), it was all for your own ego. It was merely to put yourself in a position of assumed power, to give yourself an illusion of authority over the people you know. I mean, who wrote the matches, you, who decided what the storylines were, you, who decided who the champions were, you. That whole thing were Phil became the leader of the nBo. Me and Seb came up with that idea, and you just took it to somewhere, without our input, that we didn't agree with. Not to say that it bothered us greatly but it does leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Anyway, now your not doing it anymore I sincerely hope you can move on from the Kings School, and spend the time you used on doing this on something a bit more constructive.

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