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Subject: Re: Cystic Hygorma

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Date Posted: 07:47:13 03/22/03 Sat
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "Cystic Hygorma" on 07:58:21 03/19/03 Wed

Hi Lisa,

Sorry I didn't post sooner -- I hope you are still checking messages!

I just wanted to tell you that vacillating btw feeling positive and feeling dreadful is completely normal. It will probably be this way the rest of your pregnancy. I have to tell you that's in the norm for a pregnancy w/o a poor diagnosis, too -- but the diagnsosis really intensifies things.

You probably know by now if your baby has TS. I wanted to share a support group w/ you that serves women who are expecting a baby w/ TS. Even if you baby does not have TS, they may be able to give you some info about the CH. The second link is to a story written by a woman who has a daughter born with CH. They found out late in pregnancy -- not the daughter is 17 yrs old and doing very well. The article is very honest about how the CH has affected this young woman's life thus far -- I hope you'll get a chance to read it. If you want to be put in touch with the mom, you can email me and I can put you in touch, okay?



I will be keeping you and your baby in my prayers. I hope you feel comfortable writing back and telling us how things are going! Again, sorry for the delay --- I need to check here more often.

Sincerely, MOnica

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[> Subject: Re: Cystic Hygorma

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Date Posted: 12:28:13 03/22/03 Sat

I read your post and it brings back the memory of a year ago when I received a suspicious report after my 12 week u/s. The nuchal translucency measurement was elevated and they were worried about Downs or Trisomy 18. I was very scared because we had also been trying to conceive for several years. We have a 9 year old daughter also. I had to have another u/s at 15 weeks and things looked better so we were more relieved. Then I had a 22 week u/s and the nightmares started. The baby had a heart problem and some other problems that showed up. They convinced us to have an amnio to see what was wrong. WE did and it was Trisomy 18 which is one of the worse chromosome problems for a baby. They told me she probably would not live to be born and to abort. After a lot of prayer and discussion we chose to keep our baby and let God decide when it was her time to be born and we prayed for her to be healed. It was a very hard pregnancy knowing that the odds were against her but I felt good about my decision to keep her. I hope I am not making you feel worse about everything but I did want you to know that I do know how you feel and would be happy to talk to you at any time. It helps so much to talk to someone that has experienced something similar. Our daughter was born March 5, 2002 and she looked so perfect just really small. A little over 4 pounds. Everything on the inside of her was too small and had not developed properly. She had a hard time breathing and did not cry very much. WE go to spend 3 precious hours with her and we were so proud of that time. My daughter was right there with us and held her and bathed her and we all did this together as a family and it really helped. I won't tell you that it was not the hardest thing I have ever dealt with but our faith grew so much during that time and we did have peace even though we had lost our daughter. We still miss her so much and will always think of her. We are thankful that we now a year later had a beautiful healthy baby boy born one day after she was born, March 6. I was scared at first but things went so well with this pregnancy. We would have never known the wonderful blessing of our son if we had not experienced the loss a year ago. WE don't understand why God took her but he did bless us again and we are so thankful for our son. He is so perfect and precious. I will enjoy every minute with him. I pray for you and your family that you will get a good diagnosis and that maybe it will not be anything real bad. Sometimes u/s do show up things that are nothing to worry about. Leave your little baby in God's hands and he will take care of you and your family. Please let me know how things are going and know I will be thinking of you.


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