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Date Posted: 16:18:10 07/26/04 Mon
Author: humanoid

you can do exactly this: help. Its as easy as joining a site...say www.globalsuperstorm.bravehost.com for example... and clicking ont he forums link and joining, from there I hosta group dedicated to preventing such disastors taht climate change holds, specifically a superstorm which could bring us into a new ice age and will kill 2 billion people if we do not stop this. This superstorm could happen anytime between tomorrow and maybe 5 years from now, whenever the conditions are right. But we can't sit around waiting, my site is only 3 days old and alreayd has 13 member, so support is HUGE and my members are very kind. I hope yu'll give this some thought because we could really use some new blood like you people. You can make your way into history by doing htis, so give us a try, critics welcome too lol. THANKS!!! you do the world a whole lot of good! (enless yur the admin who is gonna delete this for advertising) (I beg you please dont)

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