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Date Posted: 22:06:02 05/01/02 Wed
Author: Received From Earthchanges TV
Subject: Weather Changes

Scientists See Newscast Predicting Solar-Earth Weather in Future...04/30/02
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
I can hardly contain myself. Late yesterday, NASA released a public relations announcement that scientists are working feverously on implementing solar forecast on our local daily news and weather reports. Yes, just as predicted by ECTV last year, we will see our local weather personality showing charts, graphs, photos of solar events that are directly tied to Earth's weather.

For someone like myself who has been researching a direct Sun-Earth connection regards our weather, well - it just doesn't get much better than this. For the first time ever, our government agencies are confirming without hesitation the very "Equation" ECTV published back in 1999.

Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

Full Press Release: http://www.earthchangestv.com/secure/Breaking_News/April2002/0430nasa.htm

You may recall my article published last year which stated we will see our local weather personality say something like this....
" Today, we see our Sun is really acting out. The sunspot count is up to 178. Watch for C-Class or M-Class flares to follow within 48 hours. It is likely to cause more 'record breaking' events. Now, with our new technology, our national weather center believes sudden wind shears will occur in the central part of the United States. Watch for record high winds to occur. We also see Southern India being hit by sudden Cyclones." (Channel 5 News anywhere USA)

Here is an excerpt from NASA's press release: (April 29th, 2002) " Much like tornado watchers look to the skies for clues that a twister is forming, NASA and university scientists are watching the Sun in an effort to better predict space weather – blasts of particles from the Sun that impact the magnetosphere, the magnetic bubble around the Earth. Based at the National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC) in Huntsville, Ala., this research unites scientists from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Like severe weather on Earth, severe space weather can be predicted." (Marshall Space Flight Center)

Announcement: Earth Changes TV wants everyone to gain access to this most important site which has proven to be accurate and measured regards to cutting edge news and events that effect us all. I have just approved an offer for new subscribers to join our service. Starting tomorrow May 1st, ECTV will be available to new subscribers for $9 dollars for a 3 month subscription. If you were waiting for our service to be affordable to you, now is the time.

I hope you can see as I do, our government agencies are finally, and quickly, reversing their stance on what they use to believe as 'unchangeable facts' and formulas which they were taught years ago. Join ECTV to see what "unchangeable fact" does in 'fact change' (play on words) in the minutes it takes to write a press release article.

Earth Changes TV 3 month subscription for $9 dollars: http://www.earthchangestv.com/subscribe.htm

Thought For The Day

"Only a person who is one with the laws of nature can be said to be one who is at ease wherever he goes and is not psychologically dependent on anything."
Lie Zi

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Herbal Magnetic Therapies of America: http://www.herbalmagnetic.com

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

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