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neat, translucent wings flipped to her back, wiggling slightly until they sat comfortably on her shoulder blades. small, silver talons grasped the limb on which she sat, while the little golden queen acquainted herself with her surroundings. Small, dragon-like head tilted quizzically to the side, gently swirling pale green eyes scanning mizriam. a small, lizard-like being popped up to the bough beside her, startling the golden fire-lizard into taking flight for an instant. parting her jaws while hovering above the branch, she scolded and chattered noisily at the lizard, scaring it back into it’s den, a dark hole in the broad trunk of the tree. dissatisfied with her abode in the tree, nook executed a graceful mid-air pirouette, and entered sabteca, to the east. |