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Date Posted: 16:10:23 09/27/02 Fri
Author: Shadow's Secrets
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Subject: § keep thy allies close, but keep thine enemies closer... §

§ traveling... tiring, but at the same time energizing. who knows what waits beond the next rise? that is what energizes. endless days of wandering, huger, thirst, that is what tires. this beast knew the meaning of wandering... §

§ jaded hawk of enourmous porportions swoops down out of the skies. fatale had been traveling for many hours now, and had grown weary. circling, she finds a purchase for her sharp talons. sun rays give hawk's feathers a dull gleam. her endless pools of enmity stare out at all before her. one single, shrill scream is issued. this terra is now hers. §

§ hopping down to the ground from her perch, feathers become shadowy pelt, ripping beak into velveteen, talons into nadirs. when it is all over, in place of the hawk is a normal sized equine, nothing notible about femmora except for her optics of abhorrance. §

§ this place cursed Mizriam now belongs to her. her own place to curse the silverbloods for bringing her into existance. for she bear the silverbloods a grudge she could not solve... §

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