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Date Posted: 22:00:12 08/26/02 Mon
Author: Umbra
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Subject: .:.in the dead of the night.:.
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".shimmer." on 16:08:55 08/24/02 Sat

The cool tendrils of emerald are a relief against the burning, stinging pain of the cuts ravaged upon the calloused pads of the canine's pedates. Slinking now sedatedly through the lush, spacious forest of ripe pillars, a mournful clarion exits lungs, claiming this unsettled domain for her own also.
Shocked into racket, a troop of squirrels flies up the trunk of a tree, chittering scoldingly at the wolf, beady black eyes glittering angrily.
Umbra spins in suprise, and a bright glitter catches her eye. Drawn to it, like a magpie to a diamond, the minx slinks forth, bodice drawn up to rest pads upon the trunk of the tree. Miniscule nares dilate and retract rapidly as shuttered maw noses into the small, black hole.
Shrilling with rage, the squirrels plummet down the pillar, launching themselves onto the wolf that invaded their stash, slashing with their sharp little claws and snapping at her ears with their needle-like teeth.
Yelping in shock, Umbra leapt backwards, dislodging some of her assailants and shaking off the others violently, turning on her haunch to chase them off with rough feints and snarls.
Now free to claim her prize, she bounded back to the tree, balancing up on her hinds and pulling out the three glittering stars - one gold and two silver. Proud of her acquirements, the canine's tounge flickered over them, whiplash beating back and forth.
Happily, she picked them up in her strong jaw, and trotted off on her way, reminding herself to return to her two new homes as soon as possible.

. but a shadow in the moonlight .

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