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Date Posted: 13:53:30 02/12/03 Wed
Author: Sefer Shekrei
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Subject: /#/Book/of/Lies/#/

Lucid hunter boldly stalks into the terra, his journey had been a long and hard one. When he had left his lands he was a mere colt, but now he was harded titan. He had lost his way many times, but his wisedom he had inheirated from his sire had come in great use. His dam's boldness and fearlessness had also helped him. Peaks swivel, always on alert, he had learned you could never be too careful. Swiney limbs carry his robust physique easily, daggers leaving his mark 'pon the terra. Nares flare inhaling deeply, the scent of his parental was here, ooids narrow at the thought of his father and the way he had been driven out of the only cadre he had known. Labarith quickly grabs back at those thoughts, he should be grateful to his sire, he made me who I am today. One day he would go back to his homelands, for the way was easy now. Pistons rapidly take him out of this place, he had no wish to face his father right now, he would deal with him later.

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