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Subject: Lost

The Remnants
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Date Posted: 07:19:39 01/20/03 Mon
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*Mud, mud, and more mud,* Pog complained. *I hate mud!*

*As I recall, you said the same thing about trees, reptiles, and quicksand pits. You weren't alone there, and you're not alone here.* Adilee's patience was wearing thin. Bad enough they were stuck in an enormous expanse of mud, trying to reach a mountain that stubbornly refused to grow any closer -- did they all have to complain about it too?

Pog sighed, head drooping. *I know. I'm just starting to wonder if we'll ever find a place we like in this place called Creoto.* He looked at Adilee. *I miss the Glory.* The words came as barely a whisper.

Adilee uttered a sigh of her own, and reached dow nto nuzzle her love. *I do too.*

*The Glory never got stuck in such an enormous mudpit.* That was Eileen.

*I still say the trees were cleaner.* Paline.

Pog sighed again, rubbing his head along his foreleg. *I know. Do you still want to go on?*

All three nodded emphatically.

*Very well then.* He raised his head, looking in the direction of the mountain. *Let's go.*

Several hours later...

Pog looked over at the setting sun. *This seems as good a place as any to spend the night. What say you?*

Adilee, Paline, and Eileen nodded, too weary to do anything else. And so they halted, to spend the night where they were, listening to their own grumbling stomachs.

The next morning...

Pog looked up at the mountain. *I daresay, it looks closer than yesterday.*

*We're almost there!* cried Eileen. They all plodded on with renewed vigor, and soon reached Mount Camaron.

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