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Subject: Everyone has a Limit

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Date Posted: 23:22:59 01/24/03 Fri
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"The best use for a unicorn's horn is to adorn a unicorn."

Albaster femmora darts about, silvery orbs searching, always searching for a way out.Lost.Thats would be the ess right now.Small mud puddle is found.Snorts softly to herself, not wishing to drink of the water, yet finding herself having to.Dial is shaken slightly, dial dipping to allow virtagio's horn to touch teh water.It clears, leaving a clean pool, surronded by mud.She quickly drinks, not waitng for the mud to resettle.Haunting liquids glance about her once more, a path is found, and she moves onto it, at a steady pace, horn moving slightly as case is dipped with walking motions.Silvery pelt gleams lightly in the sun, letting out a beacon to any looking for her.Not that she expected anyone.She did not know any one, why would they look for her?

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Everyone Has A LimitLimitations15:16:47 01/25/03 Sat

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