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Subject: nieuwe cd van opeth... (geen dubbel cd :( )

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Date Posted: 00:42:38 10/09/02 Wed

Exclusive first peek at the cover for "Deliverance" provided by the official site. Note that changes can be made, this is only a rough version. We can now also confirm the songtitles for "Deliverance".
They are:
1. Wreath
2. Deliverance
3. A fair judgement
4. For absent friends (Instrumental)
5. Master's apprentices
6. By the pain I see in others

Opeth recently returned home from the small town of Ripley (UK) where the band mixed the first part of the upcoming double release together with legendary mix-mogul Andy Sneap. The 6 titles spans over a total running time just over 61 minutes.

As for the 2nd part, "Damnation", Mikael will return to the UK during October to finish of the vocal tracks together with producer Steven Wilson at his No mans land studio.

Release date for "Deliverance" is confirmed for the 4TH OF NOVEMBER(Europe) + 11th of November (US). Rest of the world: No idea right now.
"Damnation" will follow with a March 2003 release

Side project, slasher-death metal band Bloodbath featuring Mike on screams have a new website found at http://www.bloodbath.biz. New album "Resurrection through carnage" out soon through Century media records worldwide.

grom grom... geen dubbel cd... ik ga alvast mijn tentje gaan opzetten voor de mister moonlight :)


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Re: nieuwe cd van opeth... recensieKim.06:43:25 12/29/02 Sun

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