Subject: POwer PLease |
Chaos & Demise
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Date Posted: 13:17:11 08/04/02 Sun
Name: Silv-Chaos
Nickname: Chaos
Age: Newborn
Breed: Unknown
Power wanted: Requesting the power of Lightning, in small doses. In other words, the ability to create small lightning balls or to shoot(ug, bad word) small shocks from her claw tips. They would only shock the opponent momentarily, but would cause a great deal of uncomfortableness.
How the power relates to your breed? Her breed in unknown, but in her line of ancestry, she is the decedent of a great lightning dragoness. This dragoness had the ability to control all forms of lightning and electric energy, and now some of that power has emerged in the great-great-great-
great-great-great-great grand daughter of that dragoness.
How the power relates to past experiences? As a hatchling, she does not have many past experiences. However, before her egg was found by HS, their was a large lightning storm, in which lightning fell from the sky and struck her egg. Normally, the hatchling in the egg would have been killed, but instead the egg remained unharmed and the hatchling was filled with electric energy. Secondly, after the egg was struck, it did not ground itself, meaning, rid itself of the
charge. The energy wove itself into the hatchlings DNA, leaving her with the starting of the power. Lastly, when her egg hatched, a huge lightning storm greeted her, welcoming if you will,
their new controller. Lightning forked down in the exact shape of the cracks in her shell and when
she hatched, the storm abruptly stopped. Those are my reasons.
Name: Obscure Demise
Nickname: Demise
Age: Newborn
Breed: Unknown
Power Wanted: The power to cause tremors in the earth or to create small water balls and spray
water from his clawtips.
How the power relates to your breed? Like his sister, his power comes mainly from his ancestors.
One of his greater ancestors could control the earth and was the cause of all earthquakes. The
number of earthquakes has diminished because of his death. Another of his ancestors was a great
water dragon and could control all water. The hatchling, in a way, has simply inherited one of
these powers.
How the power relates to past experiences? Like his sister, he has very few past experiences. But,
before he was found by HS, his egg was half submerged in the earth, and his shell was constantly
wet. The earth and the water soaked into his egg and both elements were woven into his DNA
strands, leaving visible marks. His scales appeared to be cracked, like the earth, but the cracks
were as blue as the ocean. After the elements were woven into him, his egg slipped into a crack in
the earth that formed as his sister was struck by lightning. Because his egg shell was so hard, he
was not destroyed and fell into a river. The river twisted and turned, taking the egg along with it.
More water and earth poured into his DNA, strengthen his power. He was eventually returned to
his sister’s egg when he was picked up by a bird and then dropped next to her. Thirdly, when he
was born, the earth trembled and shook as he hatched, probably caused by his subconscious. Also
he has a tear drop shaped blue gem on his forehead, a result of to much water DNA in him. It
ripples like the waves of the ocean, although only in the mind. It is the main source of his water
There ya go! Puleeeze lemme have my powers!
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