Subject: Powers Please |
The Four
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Date Posted: 23:41:01 08/11/02 Sun
Name- Forbidden Depths
Nickname- Forbidden Depths
Age- 18
Breed- Mixture of Ultimate Dragon and Demon Dragon
Gender- Male
Power Wanted- Ice(to spit ice, create ice balls)
How the power relates to your breed? When Ultimet dragons are born, they imediately are blessed with a power, but seeing as how these four hatched outside of the ultimet boundries, they chose their own powers.
How the power relates to past experiances? When the brood of eggs was taked from his mother, his egg was dropped in a frozen waste land. The cold warped his dna, leaving him with ice twisted into his dna strands.
Name- Sea of Fury
Nickname- SoF, or Fury
Age- 19
Breed- Mixture of Ultimate Dragon and Demon Dragon
Gender- Male
Power Wanted- Fire(spit fire and move small amounts of fire elemnts.)
How the power relates to your breed? When Ultimet dragons are born, they imediately are blessed with a power, but seeing as how these four hatched outside of the ultimet boundries, they chose their own powers.
How the power relates to past experiances? Like his brother, he was abandoned in a fiery land scape. His egg fell into a lava stream, but somehaw managed to survive. Then when he hatched, he hatched under lava, and was not harmed. He found he could move the lava aside, and chose that as his power later on.
Name- Star Shadow
Nickname- Star Shadow
Age- 17
Breed- Mixture of Ultimate Dragon and Demon Dragon
Gender- Femme
Power Wanted- Ability to move small things with her mind(anything big takes much energy and leaves her drained)
How the power relates to your breed? When Ultimet dragons are born, they imediately are blessed with a power, but seeing as how these four hatched outside of the ultimet boundries, they chose their own powers.
How the power relates to past experiances? When her egg was separated from the rest, she was caught in a violent mindstorm created by the pupils of telekenetic students. For three years she was caught in the storm and it somehow transfered some of it's power into her mind. Then her sister took her from the storm and she hatched with the ability to move small things. Trained carefully by her older sister, she managed to enhance her power slightly, but only to she could move slightly larger things.
Name- Lost Darkness
Nickname- Lost Darkness
Age- 21
Breed- Mixture of Ultimate Dragon and Demon Dragon
Gender- Femme
Power Wanted- Mind reading/communicating
How the power relates to your breed? When Ultimet dragons are born, they imediately are blessed with a power, but seeing as how these four hatched outside of the ultimet boundries, they chose their own powers.
How the power relates to past experiances? Her ancient demon dragon anceastor had the rare power of mind control and reading. Through her line, it was somewhat weakened, but still was passes on to her. Also, when she was born, she found she could sense the subconsiousness of her three other siblings. Using this small sense, she sought them out, unconsiously developing her power even more, so that she could communicate through the mind and read others minds.
Okie, I think that's all. Ne questions?
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