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Subject: §Final Fantasy§

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Date Posted: 16:30:16 09/02/02 Mon

Power wanted:to breathe fire
How the power relates to your breed:westerns breathe fire(you guys said)
How the power relates to past expierances:When my hatching day came our nest was attacked by an enemy dragon. It burnt up all around me, so when I finaly got out of my shell I was surronded by a ring of fire. The flames melted my eggskin completely and I nearly died. My mother, luckily, was a healer. Years later I was out flying when a human arrow sliced my wing. I was thrown from the air, incidentally landing in the middle of a forest. It was raining heavily, so what dangor could I be in? Lightning hit a tree, setting it up in a tower of flame. Instinctively I scrambled to my feet, but because of the fall I couldn't hold myself up. I was still very small back then and a human girl saved me. We became great friends, and still are...but I found I had to leave her. She taught me many things...but mostly she taught me how our fire works. How dragons mix chemicals that can light at the contact of air and the like. Sense then I've felt the flames on my skin, in my blood. You can see it in my eyes, you can hear it in my breath. Smoke comes from my nostrals whenever i'm mad or afraid, now all I must do is learn how to use it.

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OkieAndralynn16:22:21 09/05/02 Thu

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