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Subject: ~They call her the Lady of the Flame~

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Date Posted: 15:57:47 10/21/02 Mon

Knowing that she wasn't a dragon,she still walked in, bravely.Her voice echoed as she called out, "I'm have dragon powers, I make my home in a dragon territory, now don't you think that I should be a ble to turn into a dragon as will?"
To prove her point, she put down a small log that she had been carrying and stepped back twenty paces or so, then pointed at the log and flames burst up, crackling merrily. "I was taken in by dragons when I was a babe, taught their powers and magics, the called me the Lady of the Flame. Then a passing band of men killed the whole clan. they took me captive, then I escaped in time to come her."Her eyes glinted like cold steel. "I am living with the lights' queen's territory. They accept me there, but I want to feel less out of place, PLEASE grant me this, to turn into a dragon at will" With that, she waited for her fate.

Name Lady of the Flame
Nickname Flame
Species Elf Lady who had been gifted the senses of a Dragon and Named Lady of the Flame
Age 20
Gender Female
History Lived with dragons and was gifted with their Powers of Senses and Magic
Personality fiercly protective of her friends, namely dragons

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[:...:]Andralynn15:45:48 11/03/02 Sun

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