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Subject: Power granted, but only small bolts.

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Date Posted: 20:26:59 11/29/02 Fri
In reply to: Akira4blade 's message, "I am requesting for a power, and have reasons..." on 20:06:20 11/29/02 Fri

>Name- Lightclaw of the North
>Nickname- Lightclaw
>Age-157 Years
>Breed- Scandanavian Icetail
>Power Wanter- Breath lightning bolts
>Relates to breed- A long time ago, two young dragons
>on the Scandanavian ice were struck by lightning on an
>ice floe. When they mated later, their children, Issek
>and Serissa, could make small sparks fly from their
>mouths. After many generations, these sparks turned to
>lightning bolts.
>Past- Lightclaw is the great-great-great-great-great
>grandson of Issek. When Lightclaw was born, Issek was
>very old, 276 years. Before he died, he taught
>Lightclaw how to breath sparks more powerfully
>Lightclaw spent a long time developing his power, when
>suddenly he too was struck by lightning (perhaps it
>runs in the family???) He found that his lightning
>bolts were twice as powerful as before, with one
>drawback, after attacking, he was vulnerable for a few
>Eventually, as Solarian dragons moved north, the
>Scandanavian Icetail had to defend its territory.
>Nearing the end of the final battle at the Solarian
>capitol, Lightclaw sent a jet of lightning straight at
>Illemak, the Solarian general, killing him. Thanks to
>Lightclaw, the battle was won!!!

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