Subject: {_+_}Check Your Head{_+_} |
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Date Posted: 11:16:21 12/24/02 Tue
Name: Buckcherry
Nick name: Cherry(don't you dare call her that)
Age: 110
Gender: Female
Breed:(with wings/legs)
Color: orange w/ blue/black tigger stripeing
Power wanted: Imitation(it be able to replicate other dragons powers)
How the power relates to your breed?
she's a mixed breed(sort of) and in all the mixing and matching, the power to imitate other powers would be fitting
How the power relates to past expierances?
1) her only defece against atacking dragons while traveling was to battle them with their own gift, give them a taist of their own medicine
2) *snarls as the light fades and the fire weakens, she had fought too long with this one...she was too drained to hold his power for much longer...and he was too large to battle claw to claw eyes dart to the tar pit behind him, that was her only chance! she shoots up into the air, soaring high and fast....once he was apon her she droped strait towards the tree's that hid the massive pit, droping into the tree's as he came crashing after the last second she pulls up, tail lasting at the tar that reached up to grab he crashed into the black death trap, a falling tree clips her shoulder and wing, sending her to the hard packed dirt*
(she has a scar on her right shoulder and the tip 3 inches is missing off her right wing)
3) +she sat, watching the dragoness move towards the hatchlings, cry is given as the other female nashed at the young young they had not known their gifts yet, but she(cherry) did...with a rageing battle cry she slams into the female, nudgeing the young pair towards to saifty of their lands...head snaps up and she looks at the atacker, black eyes glazeing over milky white as the skys dartkened, thunder shakes the ground and lightning flashes in the now dark skys+ You pick on the weak, but how will you pick on your worst nightmare? +snarls and nashes her teeth at the slightly larger female+
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