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Subject: Request please

~Acqua & Vita
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Date Posted: 11:36:28 03/03/03 Mon

Name: Acqua
Nickname: Aqua
Breed: Draco--She is a young mother,. She has a Blue hide, not scales, two green horns protruding from the top of her skull, a triangular aqua marine head, glistening, blue eyes, and green talons on each of her paws. She has thinner forelegs and thick, strong hindlegs, usually bent, like a frog's. Her tail makes up half of her body length, and is very thin and whip-like. As a Draco, she has the ability of 'Flying' through the water. She can breath underwater as well as above, and swims as easily as any dragon flies. She has a neck about half the length of her tail, or a quarter the length of her entire body.
Power Wanted: The power to control the rain, eg make it rain, stop the rain or divert it away from or to one place
How the Power Relates to:
Breed: The Dracoes are known for their ability and love to swim. They can mostly breathe underwater as well as above, and can 'fly' through it just as easily.
Past Experiences: not many really, her son is named Vita which means Life and rain brings life.

Also can I have a power for her son , he is much the same as her but is entirely green except for his blue eyes, Vita means life so could I please have the power to make plants grow, he hasnt had any experience as he is newborn,

Acqua = Vita (water = Life)

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+ under these conditions +~DaWn~15:11:46 04/03/03 Thu

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