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Subject: /.:.\ fire is eternal /.:.\

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Date Posted: 15:05:55 07/25/03 Fri

Name: celosia
Nickname: cel, celo
Age: 29
Breed: flaris
Power wanted: protection against water in all forms, even for a short time
How the power relates to your breed? (One good reason): flarises are weak against any forms of water and literally being "caught in the rain" could kill them
How the power relates to past expierances? (Three good reasons) as a hatchling, cel nearly died with no protection against the water. when she had actually met her parents, on one occasion, they were weak from the war. soldiers, instead of catapalting rocks at them, loading water contained in thin skins. when the water bombs hit the adults, it weakened them so dramatically, even the weakest soldiers could pick them off. and the last (and most dramatic) reason is that just recently she had been accepted into a territory, yet it was the coldest place in all the dragonlands. yes, frozen heights. it was because of this that she wishes to be guarded from a very dangerous enemy.


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