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Subject: § Celtic Panther §

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Date Posted: 09:04:43 08/19/03 Tue

Name: Spring Renegade
Nickname: Renegade
Age: 199
Breed: Sian Peralisk
Power wanted: To Create a panther out of darkness (limit 1 at a time)
How the power relates to your breed: Peralisks are known for darkness abilities.
How the power relates to past expierances: As a child dragons thought she was a flying panther (because she looked like one). That being because Sians are born looking like a winged cat, some sians have some of the feline traits for their entire lives, others eventually look like an odd mix between a western and an asian one. When she was trying to learn to hunt she observed a panther and learned from his style, ever sense she has thought of the panther as her totem or spirit guide. Then, not too long ago, she found she was a shadow. To the lights she felt a part of, she would always be dark. Yet, when she was among the darks, she seemed to disapear...among the light, she had seen herself clear as day. However, one born in darkness would forever be shunned by those of the light. Both darkness and light had become part of her because of force from both sides, now she looks for her spirit guide to light the way for her again.

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