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Date Posted: 21:05:33 06/24/07 Sun
Author: seong/jeonghwan (happy & joyful in remarriage)
In reply to: Hermoine Granger 's message, "I AM A GIRL PENPAL" on 17:33:49 11/16/00 Thu

>WHAT IS YOUR NAME ;jeonghwan seong AND GENDER??? male I AM 48, male. ok!

512-102fl.daedongtown 1288#
jwa1dong haeundae
Busan 612-754 Korea.
to whom it may concern:
Dear, sir./madam
It is a great pleasure to have an opportunity to introduce myself.
I'm an active and enthusiastic applicant to your respected company.
I grew up in an affluent and comfortable family environment as the
first among for children. I have two younger brothers & one younger
sister. I was born on March 19. 1959. I get married on March 26 1994.
I got a daughter, Joanna Seong. Both of my parents were hard
workers, But my father passed away on May 7th 1990. while I am
studying in United States from May 8 '89 to March 23 '91.I
attended DongShin Elementary School and kyungnam Jr. High
School in Busan. Over this period, I maintained good academic
records and developed leadership by actively involving myself in
student government.In 1975 I entered Busan Sr. High School.
During those three years, I became very intended in English and German.
I was especially fascinated by English and was attracted to it because of
its univesal use.In 1978, upon graduating Busan High School, I entered
the Dept, of Food Engineering at KyungNam Jr. College in Busan Korea.
From April 15, 1980 through January 20, 1983. I served in medical clinic
of the 28th Division of the Korean Army to fulfill military service obligation.
While in the military service, I had many opportunities to come in contact
with American soldiers and was exposed to American culture, language
way of my life so I think that I have become very familiar with the american
way of style when compared with other Korean soldiers and students.
I returned home and resumed my study at the Junior College.
I was happy to be back home and be able to pursue my academic goal.
But I began to realize that opportunities are very limited in Korea.
That is why I chose to go to the United States to achieve my goal.
In my opinion, English is a good research and business tool by
which I am magnify my special interest. through the food.
therefore I'd like to work at the professional management and so on.
"Practice makes perfect". I believe that these field's are undergoing
tremendous change in Korea because of the rapid economic and societal
development the country has experienced in the 1999's.
The Job's background of mine must change its traditional ways
and adapt itself to its new socio-economic in Korea. By working at this field,
I wish to contribute to the development of Korean Society.
I would like to combine this interesting field, to actively participate as a team
member for improvement in the growth of a foreign company.
with the remarkable travel agent, I find nothing more trustworthy than
working at your company through English and being accustom myself to
hard work for manager if you hand me a job.
My mayor at Junior college was the dept. of market industry and
got the license for bartender by cocktail institution held by government
on June 1983. I entered at the Dept. of lnt,L. in an Arirang Travel AGENT,
BUSAN. from May 30 1986 to May 6 1989. I entered pier #4 established by
BETWEEN EXPORT AND INPORT from May 1984, to May 1986,
During I was working at Pier #4, I began to learn how to hear and speak
in English at SISA ELS LANGUAGE CENTER from the begining level to the end,
the advanced level. I got Certificate also, Certificate in Oklahoma, Oklahoma
City University, as well.I left Korea for America to study English on May 7 1989,
and got the part time job as the Bartender 12$/hour and was a guide for
a Van-rider between Berkeley CA. and so./Sanfransisco Airport and returned
to Korea on March 23 1991. as a freelance I got free-job for Korean student
who don't know how to write, express in English with their appeal to their
Universities or to the language center's in United States.I applied to the
University of the Nation situated in Kona Hawaii as one of Crossroads,
DTS which is youth with a mission on July through september 1992.It
"the I.M.F." on Nov. 1997 made me guit my free-lance job, so I completed
the repairment course for cars for six-months, now I'm learning
the computer between the course of inspection for the information
and internet. I need $4,000 or 400¸¸¿ø/4 weeks from your respected
company. ,came to a conclusion, I'm currently looking for employment
with the department of embassy(1.develop a understandable
,included working knowledge of Consular law ,rule dealing with details of
procedure,post specific course,program of action selected to guide
decisions 2.organizing and filing all records as the Information Assistant)
travel agent included cocktail in either the English language. I have some
experience with different department in many aspects of the industry
in different parts of this world. I look forward to your reply and
you can be contacted at my cellular-phone number at
010-5503-0319 / 010-5674-0212 FAX No. 02-893-7336
E-mail : na_1959@nate.com If I am not answered at you call,
I thank you for your efforts on my behalf and I wish us both luck in finding
the right match. I'll enclosing my resume for your consideration
in the near. I'd be happy to come for an interview. I appreciate your
consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon. in His name,
Jeonghwan Seong
This is real story like above & true.
June 25 2007

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