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Subject: I almost was killed...............

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Date Posted: 15:47:51 05/29/02 Wed
Author Host/IP: 11Cust254.tnt5.providence.ri.temp.da.uu.net/

While being held captured by the Shining Army rebels in Peru in the mid 1980s, I was one or two days from being savagely executed.

If anyone was found out to be a Christian, certain death would follow. I was found out and while being taunted by MY "God hater" (his words), the truth (a la JWs and BSs) saved my life.

How so? My taunter and "would be" killer kept yelling at me that Christians are the xxxxxxx of the world. You xxxxxxx God torments people in a burning fire: your God has three heads; your God etc., etc., etc.

To make a very long story short, I was able to witness to my tormentor (we knew each other before this encounter); defend the truth, baptize my former tormentor and escape with him.

I, for the first time, publicly mention this not for any glory but as a witness for the power of prayer and for the power of "the truth" and, of course, God.

One last comment. I have studied the Bible during my life, but the words I used during my life changing experience in Peru did not come from me but rather from God.

It is a blessing and an honor to be used of God, this little sinner that I am but for the blood of Jusus I would surely pss from this life forever.

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scaryRegan22:26:17 05/29/02 Wed

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