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Subject: Re: Proof the Trinity is true

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Date Posted: 10:09:11 05/27/07 Sun
Author Host/IP: nv-71-49-131-129.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/
In reply to: rapidfire 's message, "Proof the Trinity is true" on 17:40:57 04/27/07 Fri

I don't see where "The lord is that spirit" proves Jesus is God, so the only argument I can find in your contempt-filled, slanderous and scathing post is that "Jesus was worshipped, therefore he must be God".
It's a shame that your lying religious teachers just continue to chant this same flawed mantra. "Worship" ("shacah" in Hebrew, "proskenaeu" in Greek) is defined as an act of obescience. In the OT, worship was not only accorded to God AS God, but to kings, priests and prophets as those annointed BY God to his service, and even to parents and elders by the young.
Jesus himself tells a parable in which a man "worship"s his human king when forgiven for a debt, but when that same man receives the same act of obescience from someone who owes HIM money, Jesus does not call the act "worship" but rather "supplication". The reason is that the king is annointed by God (Kings in Jesus's Israel would be God's annointed) but the man himself is not.
Jesus used the word "worship" about the act of obescience rendered to God's annointed human king, just as the term is used in the OT.
Jesus is worshipped as God's annointed priest, prophet, king and savior. God is worshipped as God.
YOU lose, brother.

>"Now the Lord is that Spirit."
>Accept the Trinity blasphemers and stop twisting
>Scripture and making illogical arguments.
>God is one being composed of three persons, there is
>no contradiction. You however blaspheme by claiming
>man is to be worshipped: Christ. No, you shall worship
>God alone, not man and God. Therefore Christ is God.
>You lose.

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Re: Proof the Trinity is trueCharles08:50:09 09/23/07 Sun

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