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Subject: correction

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Date Posted: 15:12:13 05/28/07 Mon
Author Host/IP: nv-71-49-131-129.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/
In reply to: nontrinitarian 's message, "We're missing the point" on 11:48:39 05/28/07 Mon

As a subscriber to brother Ronald Day's discussion board:
Restoration Light Bible Discussions
I received the latest bulliten from that board within a couple of hours of posting my treatise on 1 John 5:7 to this forum, in which he quite rightly points out that it is not the whole of 1 John 5:7 (KJV) which is recognized by ecclesiastic authorities to be spurious and counterfit, but rather the phrase within it which is bracketed in the following quote :
“For there are three that bear record [[ in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, ]] the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.”
It is this PART of 1JN5:7 which is recognized as having been added to the Greek NT in the 12th century, and not the entire verse.
Notice that the authentic portion of the verse in no way suggests that God is a tri-une being composed of Father, Son and Holy Spirit...hence the "necessity" for insidiously adding non-biblical words to the center of this otherwise benign and edifying verse.
Thanks, Ronald, for the clarification. I appreciate that you helped me to avoid misteaching tangentel "facts" regarding this outrageous counterfitting of the Bible.

>Our brother's question is about 1 John 5:7, not
>The simple and provable FACT is that 1 John 5:7 is a
>counterfit verse. It appears in no existing NT
>manuscript copy written before the twelfth century.
>It began life from the pen of a Spanish theologen who
>was branded by the Catholic Church itself as a
>heretic. It appeared in the MARGIN NOTES of some
>copies of the Septuagent (Latin translation of the NT)
>in reference to 1 John, and from there it "made its
>way into" post 12th century copies of the NT - as one
>historian puts it. What? Was it a brainy worm or
>something? Did it decide to crawl out of the marginal
>notes and into the Scripture itself? Hardly.
>In fact, when the most prominant 12th century English
>translator of the NT refused to place it in his work
>without evidence that it had existed in the Greek NT
>as the trinitarian church insisted he do, a Greek
>manuscript copy was PRODUCED by them which had only
>one difference from previous manuscript copys....it
>included the verse in the Greek. As a result, the
>English translator was forced to include it in his
>English version of the NT, and it became established
>Basic research will establish that this is the truth,
>and it is for this reason that almost all modern
>revised translations delete this verse from their work.
>It is universally recognized among Bible scholars,
>historians and translators to be a spurious and
>counterfit verse....inserted into the Bible by a
>trinitarian church with an agenda....and in flagrant
>defiance of the NT injunction to add no words to the
>existing text.
>The reason is obvious. Since there is no statement in
>the NT declaring the trinitarian "three in one"
>concept, they simply counterfited one and passed it
>off to unsuspecting Christians for centuries as
>legitimate Scripture.
>Why would the "central doctrine of Christianity" need
>to be predicated on a blatent lie?
>>>I don't believe in the trinity but how does one
>>>reconcile the following scripture with the fact that
>>>the trinity is a false doctrine?
>>This is what I left out.
>>For there are three that bear record in heaven, the
>>Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three
>>are one. (1 JOHN 5:7 KJV)**

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here's Reslight Discussion Board's URLnontrinitarian15:14:31 05/28/07 Mon

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