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Date Posted: 18:11:09 05/14/02 Tue
Author: mod
Subject: Text of Letter 5/4/02 to Mrs. Leibowitz

Here is the email, still unanswered, to Mrs. Leibowitz regarding the Library questions. We're optimistic that the principal will resolve these issues, also.

Dear Mrs. Leibowitz:

Thank you for addressing the P.E. concerns.

As for other questions, there are a few concerning the Library.

*How much has the Library collected in fines this year so far?

*What do these fines go towards?

*Why are children given detention if they forget their book? Shouldn't we look into some other sort of way of addressing this issue, such as a phone call to the parent and/or have the student's Library grade reflect habitual tardiness in returning books?

*If there is a meeting in the Library, where can a student go to take an AR test? It's discouraging to students to come in early or stay after school and not be able to take the test.

*Why are students being fined on days they are absent? Or can they be given a day's grace after they come back from track break and Library day is changed?

The website is a work in progress and we do want to promote both positive issues and address concerns. From the amount of volume we are receiving and the mail sent in from parents, we feel that the information is valuable and should be made public. We will promote any school function on the website and message board and invite you to make suggestions and comments. Thank you again for your handling of the concerns of these parents on the P.E. issues!

Note: Detention (staying inside during recess/lunch) has been given to students grades 3 and up. Did any parents know about this?

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