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Date Posted: 00:37:54 07/10/02 Wed
Author: mod
Subject: Wonderful school
In reply to: calm 's message, "Re: Still missing the boat!" on 18:28:43 07/07/02 Sun

We have some wonderful teachers, yes. Emphatically, yes.

What, in your opinion, makes this a wonderful school? We've covered teachers. Is it the average test scores? Is it the lunchroom that only gives your child 10 minutes to eat? Is it the parent community? You yourself have noted that parent involvement (including volunteering) is extremely low at our school and, according to you, most Beatty parents just don't care.

We feel differently. We know parents DO care, they are just ill-informed or not informed at all. We have almost 1000 students and only 20% (approximately) of the parents have joined the PTA by paying their dues this year. You would blame the parents. We say the school must reach out and contact these parents, not the other way around. The administration ultimately sets the tone for parent involvement and is responsible for the morale of the school.

Being on a zone variance yourself, we can certainly understand why you can't fathom people questioning things. After all, granting zone variances is solely up to the principal of a school, and we wouldn't want you to burn any bridges.

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